Local Currencies

Send, spend, receive and request in 22 currencies.

Local Currencies

Send, spend, receive and request in 22 currencies.

Local Currencies

Send, spend, receive and request in 22 currencies.

How does Local Currencies work?

Convert, save, spend, pay and receive in 22 currencies, directly from the bunq app. That's true multi-currency banking, made easy!

How does Local Currencies work?

Convert, save, spend, pay and receive in 22 currencies, directly from the bunq app. That's true multi-currency banking, made easy!

How does Local Currencies work?

Convert, save, spend, pay and receive in 22 currencies, directly from the bunq app. That's true multi-currency banking, made easy!

Also try ZeroFX

Need to pay in a currency we don't support yet? Save up to 3% by skipping exchange rate fees whenever you use your bunq card abroad.

Also try ZeroFX

Need to pay in a currency we don't support yet? Save up to 3% by skipping exchange rate fees whenever you use your bunq card abroad.

Also try ZeroFX

Need to pay in a currency we don't support yet? Save up to 3% by skipping exchange rate fees whenever you use your bunq card abroad.

Available on these plans




€ 3.99


€ 9.99


€ 18.99





€ 7.99


€ 13.99


€ 23.99


Start your 30-day free trial

Open your account in just 5 minutes, directly from your phone.

Start your 30-day free trial

Open your account in just 5 minutes, directly from your phone.

Start your 30-day free trial

Open your account in just 5 minutes, directly from your phone.